Golf Glider Spares Home / Electric Golf Trolley Spares / Golf Glider Spares Sort By Sort by:Most popularWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A Showing products 1 to 15 of 15 Sort by:Most popularWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A Golf Glider 10K Potentiometer Switch £9.99 Golf Glider Central Locking Sleeve £14.95 Golf Glider Handle £19.95 £29.95 Golf Glider Lower Handle Section £34.99 Golf Glider Solid Domed Wheel with Clutch £41.95 Golf Glider Speed Control Kit £59.95 LitePower Lithium 15ah 18 Hole Golf Battery Kit £199.00 Powakaddy Replacement Tyre for Sports Wheel Single Tyre £12.95 £29.99 POWATECH Lithium Golf Battery Set £169.00 R Pin/Clip for electric golf trolley wheels £1.00 Refurbished Golf Glider Upper Bag Bracket £14.95 TopCart / Lynx GT / Golf Glider Wiring Loom £7.49 Torberry Battery Leads £7.99 Torberry Connection Kit £2.99 Yuasa NPC 24ah Electric Golf Trolley Battery £84.99